This Christmas our family decided to make or recycle all of our gifts. The youngest (pictured) told his grandmother he wanted a roll of duct tape for Christmas. We got such a kick out of what he created with it. The knights helmet and wooden sword (covered in duct tape) has been played with more than any of the plastic sets he has had in the past. When it starts to get worn looking, there is nothing a little duct tape can't fix. You can see from the picture how proud he is of his creation, and best of all, his friends all want him to show them how to make one!!
I knitted earflap hats and socks, and gave my organic soaps to everyone. My husband took wooden boxes and wood burned each grandchild's name (we have five) and date and we decorated each box with glass beads or shells, and added a lock and key. Each child received there own special treasure chest.
I received a basket of jams, honey, salsa, garlic braid, and beeswax candles from my daughter and her family, my son's family gave us a beautiful photo album filled with family photos. It was truly the best Christmas ever!!!